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HB8 - 1915-1920 Seventh-day Adventist Missionary Box
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Pastor Norman Wiles
"Faithful Unto Death"

Missionary - Norman Wiles

Born: August 25, 1892 - Adelaide, S. Australia

Died: May 5, 1920 - Malekula Island, New Hebrides

At 16 became a Seventh-day Adventist.

Entered the ministerial Course at Australian Missionary College and Graduated in 1914.

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Personal Belongings of Norman and Alma Wiles

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The items surrounding this text are personal belongings of

Norman and Alma Wiles. 


#1 - 1917 SDA book, 'Alone with God'

by Matilda Erickson - Andross. On book, Alma's linen monogramed handkerchief.


#2 - Presentation inscription on the cover page of 'Alone with God' gifted to the Wiles.


#3 - Eyeglasses with metal case.


#4 - Painted wooden slide-lid pencil/pen box with dip pen.




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#5 - Handmade counter. Used for education of the of natives and a shell from the ocean.


#6 & 6A - This is a folding Borsalino felt fedora hat in its original box from the early 20th century. Norman was very fond of hats and was almost always photographed wearing his fedora.

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Native New Hebrides Artifacts - ca. 1915

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The artifacts above are all from the New Hebrides from the early 20th century. They range in use but are all hand crafted by the tribes of the natives. Above are the following:


#1a - An overview looks at some of the artifacts grouped together. #2a & 2b - This is a shell and bird feathers head dress worn by the chief of the tribe. #3a - This necklace is worn by the men and is made from hand twisted rope and shells. Shells were used as currency on the islands. #4a - Hand cut bamboo and wood hair picks used by both genders. #5a - Chief necklace of high esteem made from wild boar tusks and tree and plant seeds. #6a,6b,6c - The three photos show three different angles of an ocean fishhook made by the natives of the islands. The hook is large and made from seashells and natural twisted twine. #7a - This deity or figure representing dead ancestors is carved from native wood that is stained black and made from very dense, heavy wood

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New Hebrides
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